Main Components in a Quality Skid Steer Auger
When you regularly work with a skid steer auger attachment, understanding exactly how it works is the key to success. While many professionals get by with basic setup and operational knowledge, having an in-depth look at your machine can tell you a lot about how to maintain it. So, if you want to improve your attachment’s performance while reducing downtime, a bit of reading might be in order. These are the main components in a quality mini excavator auger drive and how these parts work together to make the magic happen.
Drive Unit
To start, the heart of every skid steer auger attachment is the drive unit. Otherwise known as the auger drive, this component is comprised of a solid cast steel housing enclosing a planetary gear drive mounted to a hydraulic drive motor. Modern Auger drives have a single forged shaft that is tapered to prevent spindle pull out when lifting heavy dirt filled augers. The planetary gears are lubricated with gear oil. Since the gear oil is seldomly changed, its often forgotten as part of the maintenance checks. If the gear oil is low or too old, the drive will be damaged. It is recommended the gear oil be check annually or more frequently if the Auger is used often.
Auger Bit
Next is your system’s auger bit. The bit is made of spiral steel flights with heat-treated steel teeth and a wear resistant drill head. This is what allows you to dig deep into the ground and push past any number of potential hazards, including layers of thick clay and rock. There are several different kinds of bits you can use with a Skid Loader auger, such as dirt bits and rock bits. Bits come in a series of sizes to ensure you always have the right diameter for the job at hand. This usually ranges from 4 inches to 36 inches in diameter. It is very important to replace the cutting teeth and drill head as they wear down. In many cases the auger drive motor can be damaged by worn out teeth and drill heads. As the wear parts become dull the operator usually applies more down pressure. This over torques the auger drive and sometimes can bend the drive shaft.
Hydraulic Piping
Another main component in a quality Skid Steer auger drive is the hydraulic piping that connects your skid steer with the drive unit. Designed to promote optimal hydraulic fluid flow to the attachment while allowing the auger to dig deep without damaging the hoses. The piping coming out of the auger drive unit is angled at a 45-degree angle. The 45-degree angle prevents excessive tugging or bending of the hydraulic lines and reduces the changes being bent at excessive angles over long periods of time which leads to flex cracking on your hydraulic hoses.
If you’re in the market for a quality skid steer auger attachment, McLaren Industries has the perfect match. Our auger system, known as the Augernator, is the peak of auger technology. Compatible with low-flow and high-flow system. They’re also made from the best components and strongest materials. Contact our team at McLaren Industries today to learn more at (800) 836-0040 or request a quote online.