The 9 Most Useful Skid Steer Attachments for Landscapers
The landscaping industry handles more than just manicured lawns. It’s a demanding industry that tackles everything from clearing land for construction to strategically planting new trees and shrubs. If you’re going to make a start in this field, it’s crucial to have the right equipment for the job. Skid steer attachments are incredibly versatile pieces of machinery, and each of them has its own express function when it comes to working with the land. Read on to learn about some of the most useful skid steer attachments for landscapers and why you’ll need them.
Grapple Attachments
Skid steer grapples are by far the most essential tool to have available when conducting a sizable landscaping project. Designed with large claws to scoop and grip debris, they allow you to carry enormous piles of material at a time to properly dispose of it. These attachments are so powerful that they can even pick up and maneuver large sections of tree trunk. Additionally, they can rake out stumps, tree roots, and boulders, which means you won’t need to fully excavate to effectively clear an area for landscaping.
Brush Cutter Attachments
Brush cutter attachments are also very important in the landscaping business. From chopping up larger sections of overgrowth to felling smaller trees, these machines can clear a plot of overgrown land with ease. With their powerful blades and push bar, brush cutter attachments can level almost anything in their path and cut grass down to a manageable height. It’s important to mention that they come in open- and closed-face models—one for larger, denser brush, the other with a front chain barrier for use in confined areas.
Bucket Attachments
For digging, loading, transporting, and depositing large quantities of dirt or gravel, you’ll need a bucket attachment as well. McLaren Industries even offers specialized 4 in 1 skid steer buckets that allow you to dig, doze, load, and carry—all with just one attachment. This way, you won’t need to switch equipment just because you need to change tasks; instead, you will always have the ability to spread materials and transport them with ease.
Tiller Attachments
If you are looking to build a large garden or prepare soil, you’ll want a skid steer tiller on-hand. With several rotary blades to cut through the earth and mix up dirt, these pieces of equipment can improve mineral concentration and prepare soil for the planting process. These impressive machines utilize reinforced steel for maximum durability and high torque hydraulic motors to spin the blades; Because of these characteristics, they’re great for churning high quantities of dirt at one time and preparing sprawling landscapes.
Trencher Attachments
Make sure that you also acquire a skid steer trencher for your landscaping projects. Whether you need to dig electrical or plumbing, irrigation, or make space for underground utility lines, these machines make quick work of the task. Trencher attachments have an adjustable depth system that allows you to change settings as you need. The trencher attachment also has the option of multiple chain types and widths depending on the ground to cut and width of trench needed. Not only is this great for maintaining control over your result, but it also maximizes the amount of precision you have.
Auger Attachments
Fencing installation is a major service offered in the landscaping industry, and a quality auger will make this task much more efficient for your team. Skid steer augers bore down into the ground like a drill to create deep holes for plants, fencing, and even lighting posts. They can also help with shaving down tree stumps and splitting thick logs by using specialized bits. McLaren’s hydraulic augers are compatible with skid steer models from all major manufacturers, such as CAT and John Deere. Additionally, there are many bit options to choose from, ranging from 4-inch to 36-inch available for both dirt and rock augers bits. 36-inch tree bits are also available for tree planting projects. These attachments are designed with longevity and durability in mind so you can get the most possible use out of your purchase.
Dozer Blade Attachments
Sometimes, it’s more effective to push dirt away from a particular site than it is to dig into that area. Dozer blades have a sharp cutting edge that scrapes the ground to push dirt gradually across a section of land. They are also mostly used to spread dirt across a job site. Spreading dirt while keeping the landscape level can be difficult; fortunately, these skid steer dozer blades are easy to position in multiple angles by tilting or angling in multiple directions. This way, you can sculpt the land to your exact specifications.
Power Rake Attachments
Another useful skid steer attachment for landscapers is the power rake. Primarily used for soil conditioning, these machines are also great for leveling out the land and preparing it for laying foundations and pavement. Utilizing a spiked roller, these attachments sift through the land to leave it smooth, even, and soft—they’re highly effective for any project that requires perfectly flat, level, and evenly mixed soil. Harley rakes improve the soil’s characteristics so that it’s easier for your team to work with. McLaren’s specialized skid steer power rake comes with a built-in 4-in-1 bucket as well, allowing you to load, carry, spread, drag, and condition the soil without the need to switch between multiple attachments.
Sweeper Attachments
Having the necessary equipment for the cleanup process is also incredibly important. Skid steer angle broom attachments and skid steer pick-up broom attachments help clear away any dirt and other debris left on nearby driveways, sidewalks, and pavement following landscaping projects. They can even clear away light snow in the wintertime. With one of these attachments in your arsenal, cleaning up after projects is a breeze and you can leave every property looking its best quickly with minimal labor. Angle brooms are particularly useful because they allow you to adjust the angle you sweep and throw your debris. Alternatively, pick-up brooms collect debris as you sweep and are better suited if you want to drop your debris in a designated area.
Reach out to McLaren for the most diverse and powerful collection of skid steer attachments on the market. We understand that landscapers have high demands for their equipment, and we go the extra mile to ensure our skid steer attachments will last longer and yield better results. Whether you’re in need of a product listed above or another variation, we’ve got you covered. Contact us online today or give us a call at 800-836-0040 for more information.